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目前分類:Musical 音樂劇 (369)

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I got my Mozart l'Opera Rock and Notre Dame de Paris 
Live Mogador 2001
Pat,Elisa,Sonia,Nancy,Hecate,and I 
had lunch at Mövenpick restaurant.

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All I can say is...
I'm completely overwhelmed by unexpected favors from many of you!!!

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Mozart l'Opera Rock - Vivre  À En Crever

中譯(Chinese tr.):november

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Les Misérables - On My Own Chinese Unofficial Version

Les Misérables - Do You Hear the People Sing

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2009愛樂劇工廠經典老歌音樂劇場《上海‧台北-雙城戀曲》A Love Story about Taipei and Shanghai

To tell the truth,

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Mozart l'Opera Rock - Les Extraits de l'Album 

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Mozart l'Opera Rock - CD Single "Tatoue Moi"
On sale now!! (with samples)

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French Musical: Mozart l'Opera Rock

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Extremely busy as I am,musical is still my favorite!!!

Check here to listen to "Une autre vie",
the song from French musical Cléopâtre,with its Chinese translation:

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場地過大 音效不佳 票價不降 小巨蛋看《歌劇魅影》 樂迷開罵

Anyhow,I won't go to see POTO this time

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Les Rois du Monde
Nuno Resende (Roméo)
Cyril Niccolaï (Benvolio)

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Les Dix Commandements - Mon frère 
singers: Thierry Amiel&Jonatan Cerrada

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RJ - Kings of the World
Austrian cast with English version!!!

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RJ "Avoir 20 ans" in Korea

Please just focus on the man with blonde hair and in blue costume

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「歌劇魅影」音樂劇 七月重現台北

But,to tell the truth....

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Romeo et Juliette - Avoir 20 ans

I just found someone editing some RJ clips

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《歌劇魅影》續集 明年歐美亞同步開演

中時電子報 更新日期:2008/12/30 04:33 尹德瀚/綜合報導 

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Aida - Elaborate Lives

Casey Elliott(Radames) and Marja Harmon(Aida) singing Elaborate Lives on the National Tour of Aida.

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Aida TV Spot&Video Review

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Disney Broadway Musical - Aida
Composer:Elton John  / Lyricist:Tim Rice

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