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目前分類:Musical 音樂劇 (369)

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German Musical Elisabeth - "Ich gehör nur mir" English version
"I belong to me"

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German Musical Elisabeth - "Schatten werden länger" English version "The Shades of Night are Growing"

Video: Máté Kamarás & Fritz Schmid

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Romeo und Julia Austrian Cast - 2.AKT Complete Films

The following films are all from YouTube:

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Romeo und Julia Austrian Cast - 1.AKT Complete Films

The following films are all from YouTube:

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Comédie Musicale: Le Roi Soleil

I've listened to the songs of the musical "Le Roi Soleil" thousands of times,

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News:音樂劇小天王江翊睿 盼父親坐台下看他演出

中時電子報 2007/11/18 03:49 記者 林采韻/專訪

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LPC: I Will Be Loved Tonight

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Daisy | 戴希 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Off Broadway "I Love You,You're Perfect,Now Change.",so-called "LPC"(Love/Perfect/Change).
Originally,I had no idea about this musical since I'd never noticed any musicals performed by our nationals.^^"
Betty asked if I'd like to see this musical with her some weeks ago,but as I knew it was performed by Taiwanese,I thought it was performed in Chinese.
Last week,I searched this musical and found out that it was performed in English and that the songs were tuneful!!!How amazing!!!

Daisy | 戴希 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I got my "Kings of the World" this afternoon!:))))
Thank you so much!Doreen!Allow you to stay in my bed one more night!XDD
Practically,I already had the song "These are My Rivers" before.

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Roméo und Julia Single CD cover

Heyhey!I can get this single CD this Thursday or Friday!!!

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Elisabeth--Útvesztö minden út

Thank ricamaca's offer!

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Elisabeth--Wenn ich dein Spiegel wär/Mayerling

Thank 4e3pa's offer again!

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Elisabeth--Die Schatten werden langer

Thank 4e3pa's offer!

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Elisabeth--Wenn Ich Tanzen Will (with English Subtitles)

Thank alexandrakl's offer!

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Tanz der Vampire 10 Jahre--Totale Finsternis

Thank zeiges' offer!

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Tanz der Vampire 10 Jahre--Rote Stiefel

Just listen to this wonderful song!:)

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Tanz der Vampire 10 Jahre--Für Sarah

Thank viennagirl55's offer!

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Tanz der Vampire 10 Jahre CD

Do you know the point?
The point is LUKAS!!!!!

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Roméo und Julia--Der Balkon
Sung by my cute Lukas and pretty Marjan! It's really a sweet song!!!

A big big big thank to theatrelvr43's offer!!!

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