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目前分類:Musical 音樂劇 (369)

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→何曦Jose is in toto spellbound by sexy 卡門Carmen

Recently,Amei and Ado have been intensive to practice dress rehearsal.

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→This is the "cover" of Amei's musical "愛上卡門"(In Love with Carmen).

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(→Cyril Niccolai's latest picture. Don't you think he is very sexy?)

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THANKS TO countless reports,I have little time to write blogs recently. >" Just mention something happened recently.

This Wednesday was the last day of my French class.
Because my teacher borrowed me a Chansons francais CD to copy and suggested me to copy ones to my classmates,I really did it and added some musicals in the CDs.

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(→Emmanuel Moire roles as Louis XIV. His eyes are very sexy,don't you think so?)

(→Main characters in Le Roi Soleil)

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The online (yahoo) seller (tristan&isoldee) told me Austrian version RJ had shot the film last year(2005).
Maybe it will release DVD someday.
French version RJ may perform in Taiwan at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year.
When the time comes,RJ must become a hit!

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Liebe! Lukas Perman! >/// ******************************
Being soaked in musical,I've searched several versions of Romeo&Juliet:French,Austrian,Russian,Humgarian,Belgian,and British versions.
French version is not just the original version but also the best version.

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Now,I'm a glutton for musical!
After watching two musicals:The Phantom of the Opera and Notre-Dame de Paris,I can't help but have a crush on musical.
Musical,composed of opera and pop music,is more vigorous than opera on music and more meaningful than pop music on contents.
These couple of days,I'm a Romeo et Juliette aficionado!

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I watched a well-known musical,Notre-Dame de Paris,with my cousin tonight.
It performed at 7:30 p.m.;however,it was really irritating that Taipei Arena(小巨蛋) didn't perform on tome. Not until 7:45 p.m. did it truely started to perform. What's more,people who were late actually could come in! This phenomenon seriously affected our minds to enjoy our time.
How on earth can it dare to proclaim that it is a cosmopolitan arena? What a shame! It claims to be a international arena;nonetheless,its performance is thoroughly inferior to other truely cosmopolitan arenas.
Other than Taipei Arena's terrible rules,the musical itself is extremely applaudable.

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