THANKS TO countless reports,I have little time to write blogs recently. >" Just mention something happened recently.

This Wednesday was the last day of my French class.
Because my teacher borrowed me a Chansons francais CD to copy and suggested me to copy ones to my classmates,I really did it and added some musicals in the CDs.
The one was for Chichi,but it was too bad that she was absent;the other was for "Lisa"(it pronounced like"Lisa";actually,HE is a boy and unexpectedly the same age as mine).
It was just my enthusiasm for musical!
Sometimes even you are strangers,as long as you are a little interested in musical,I am extremely willing to share my musical with you.
Nonetheless,I might worry that whether the strangers view me as a peculiar girl.
Fortinately,the acquaintances whom I gave musical CD all had not this kind of reaction.
As I gave "Lisa" the CD with Chanson francais and musical(it was actual point!),he looked very amazed and said he was glad.
I was very joyful about his reaction.
He made me think of my KJ classmates.
I had also gave musical CDs to some of my KJ classmates and even my dear teacher Bonnie.
En passant,my French teacher also received my musical CD: Romeo und Julia.
Since he had heard French cast,I gave him Austrian cast.
He was extremely amazed and moved,saying that I was very considerate.
I was fully satisfied with his reaction;he made me think I did a right thing!

In a nutshell,I just can't help but have a deep enthusiasm about musical!^0^
Thank you for everyone who received my musical!

    創作者 Daisy | 戴希 的頭像
    Daisy | 戴希

    Daisy's Musical World

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