Roméo und Julia Single CD cover

Heyhey!I can get this single CD this Thursday or Friday!!!
I've been desiring to buy this CD since I saw it.
Last time,I found this CD on one Austrian website and asked my seller to book it for me,but its price was too expensive for me to offer....
Since it's a single CD,there are only six tracks,three songs and three instrumentals.
The seller told me I had to spend NT 850 on it!! How high-priced it was!!!
I curbed an impulse to buy it immediately due to my tight budgets.
Thanks to God,rather,thanks to the seller,I can buy it now!:))))
The other day,the seller imported just one CD to sell,and I decided to buy it as soon as I saw the price.
Though it was still not so cheap,it was cheaper than NT 850,at least.
It cost me NT 615,transportation charges included,to buy this single CD.
Expensive as it was,I thought it worthed it!!!;)

Let you take a look at its tracks:

01 These Are My Rivers (Lukas Perman,Marjan Shaki)
02 Kings of the World 
     (Lukas Perman, Matthias Edenborn,Rasmus Borkowski)
03 Liebe (Lukas Perman,Marjan Shaki)
04 These Are My Rivers (Instrumental)
05 Liebe (Instrumental)
06 Kings of the World (Instrumental)

*The above is from "Romeo+Juliet,the Musicals website":

Though I already have the song "These are My Rivers",I long to listen to "Kings of the World",the English version of "Les Rois du Monde" and "Herrscher der Welt"!!!
What makes it more special is that the song is sung by my dear Lukas and Marjan!!!
To tell the truth,I dislike Romeo and Juliet London Cast since I don't like its opera-like interpretation....:(
Nonetheless,I do LOVE Lukas and Marjan's interpretation!!!!!
They make the songs much more tuneful than the original ones,without a doubt!;)

I can't wait to get my CD and listen to the songs one thousand times!!!
Lukas and Marjan are extremely brilliant singers!!!
Hope that I can buy Roméo und Julia DVD ONE DAY!!!
God bless me to make the dream come true!:))))))))

*The picture is from:

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    Daisy | 戴希

    Daisy's Musical World

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