Off Broadway "I Love You,You're Perfect,Now Change.",so-called "LPC"(Love/Perfect/Change).
Originally,I had no idea about this musical since I'd never noticed any musicals performed by our nationals.^^"
Betty asked if I'd like to see this musical with her some weeks ago,but as I knew it was performed by Taiwanese,I thought it was performed in Chinese.
Last week,I searched this musical and found out that it was performed in English and that the songs were tuneful!!!How amazing!!!
LPC made me think we Taiwanese could alos make wonderful musical!!!
Let you see Lan Creators' blog:

I can't wait to see it immediately!;)
Practically,I will go to see it next Thursday with my dear Betty!:))))

Oh,LPC made me understand what "off Broadway" was!
The definition:
"Off Broadway plays or musicals are performed in New York City in smaller theatres than Broadway, but larger than Off-Off-Broadway, productions. It is the equivalent of Fringe Theatre in London's West End."
There's much more information about "Off Broadway" in Wikipedia:

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    Daisy | 戴希

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