(→The cover of the movie:Speed.)
(→Keanu Reeves' eyes are so sexy and charming that almost every girl might be attracted!>///
Today,thanks to our composition teacher's(Trust me! I really don't want to call her "Elisabeth"!) laziness,we could see a movie in class.
The movie was "Speed",translated "捍衛戰警" in Chinese. It was actually an exciting movie since Giplir and I screamed low nearly all the time in private and almost lost our minds owing to Keanu Reeves' cool action.
Oh! How attracting Keanu Reeves is! >///
I could not help but fall in love with him "again". (My cousin said that I once had a quick crush on him.)
The following is the summary of the movie "Speed",which our teacher asked us to hand in next Wednesday:
The steel wires above an elevator which was in a building were cut off deliberately just after the start of the movie. LAPD assigned a lot of cops to rescue them; difficult as it was, they tried their best to save them form being exploded by the bombs. Jack Traven and Harry Temple, two of the cops, found out the bomber, who was an old man with grave scars in his right hand, in a freight elevator.
The bomber ran out finally and the bomb blew. They all thought he was dead and the thing was over.
However, the bomber warned Jack that he was overseen by blowing a bus near him. And then he said he was going to go off the bus No. 2525. He put the bombs on the bus; if the speed of the bus drove up to 50 feet, it could not slow down less than 50 feet or it must explode. Jack rushed to get on the bus in an extremely dangerous way.
He met a girl Annie on the bus. Since the driver was hurt accidentally, Annie replaced his place. She drove at least 50 feet regardless of any obstacles, even the gap of the freeway. She drove to an airport and circled the runway so as to keep the speed. On the other hand, Jack failed to dismantle the bombs beneath the bus. What was worse, the gas was leaking due to Jack’s adventure. Fortunately, the LAPD cops secretly changed the tape of the monitor which the bomber installed on the bus. The bomber stared at the fake frames and the cops tried to rescue all the people simultaneously. Jack and Annie were not rescued by accident, but they saved themselves safely. Later, the cops investigated the bomber and discovered that he was also a LAPD cop before.
Nevertheless, Annie was abducted by the bomber when the cops were trying to arrest him by giving him a large amount of money he wanted. Jack ran to save her immediately, but he saw Annie’s body was tied with lots of bombs. The bomber took his hostage to a subway which sped fast. Jack jumped on the top of the subway but was perceived quickly. Jack came to gripes with the bomber on the top of the subway. Eventually, the bomber’s head was hit and cut off by the warning light which was hanging on the ceiling. Jack and Annie rescued themselves again by sliding out of the subway with a board beneath their bodies.