11/01晚上是Woody Harrelson(飾演黑密契)新電影「Rampart」的首映,New York Magazine於首映會上問到Woody Harrelson是如何想出黑密契的造型。
Woody Harrelson回覆:
("I saw my brother when I was trying to come up with the best look, and that’s my brother’s hair, you know. I mean, not literally,” he laughed, “but that’s his look. So yeah, I thought, That’s perfect.")
(註:暫譯為哥哥,網路上找不到資料證明Brett Harrelson是哥哥還是弟弟..........:P)
Woody Harrelson哥哥Brett Harrelson的照片:

※來源(Source):Vulture(NY Mag's Blog) via Mockingjay
→看來導演給了Woody Harrelson自己決定黑密契造型的權利哪............(撫顎)