I really learnt a lot in "The Ice-Cold Demon's Tale"!
Perhaps some people might think it's funny to say so,
once they read this series,they probably agree with me!!
I just do a small introduction here
to let you understand the background.
Blood was the ice-cold demon
who was bound by the ice in a cave for sixty years.
One day, a boy Ishuca came in the cave for death
cause he was really sick.
Blood originally wanted to eat Ishuca,
but he was frustrated by Ishuca's lacking of fear.
He decided not to eat him;
however,Ishuca fainted in front of him,on the edge of death.
Blood somehow had a strange feeling that
he didn't want to see Ishuca's death,
and at that moment,Blood dropped tears,
the tear called tear jewel he was finding for a long time
to release himself from the ice.
At that time,
he realized that tear jewel was not from the despair of human beings,
but from himself when he could love someone.
He used the tear jewel to save Ishuca,
and,from then on,they started an adventure together!!
During the adventure,
Blood,Ishuca,and other main characters learnt a lot,
and I also learnt a lot with them!!
Ishuca learnt how to face his own dark side;
Blood learnt how to love someone;
Sellghi learnt how to separate things one by one and analyze them,
not just viewing all the things as the same.
I learnt whether one is a demon or not
totally depends on one's own heart!!
I believe in what Blood said to Ishuca,
"Even if you have some bad thoughts,
as long as you value me,
you can control it,right?"
As human beings,
it's really natural to have dark side.
You can control it as long as you think of someone's smile!!
You can see each volume's English summary here:
Chinese summary 中文摘要