Bonnie,a Canadian,was my second KJ teacher.
Karel let me be more confident of English,and Bonnie let me feel more interested in English.
By the way,Karel was my first KJ teacher and my first foreign teacher.
Bonnie liked to say good morning with full energy to us to start each class,and then she would let us do a lot of practice.
Although sometimes I felt like sleeping in class,I would try to concentrate on class owing to Bonnie's energy.
She seemed to be energetic each day.
The most interesting practice I had done was "baseball game".
Feeling bored at first,but I found out I was wrong later.
It was the most exciting game I had ever played!
In addition to the funny play,Bonnie was good at teaching.
she taught us a variety of English grammar;by play,she let us practice the grammar with joy.
Thanks to her interesting play,we learned a lot and improved a lot.
I'm extremely thankful for Bonnie;she always replies my questions patiently.
She let me understand countless questions I had confused about,such as the difference between "to begin with" and "in the beginning".
In the last class,she gave each of us a piece of final grade and attendance report.
I was moved deeply by her comment.
I would remerber her words for keeps!
She wrote:The more questions you ask,the more you learn!
Besides,she let me think of the words Michelle told us before.
Bonnie wrote I made eye contact with my partners and was natural at making conversations with others.
Yeah! Eye contact!
Michelle had asked us to do this well before.
When I saw the sentence,I thought I improved and I was better than before.
Last but not least,Bonnie let me become more ambitious and energetic than before!
One day,I told her that I was going to learn French in Eumeia.
She taught me a sentence which I learned in French first:Bonjour,je m'appelle Daisy.(Hello,my name is Daisy.)
She let me not only be more interested in French but become more anbitious than before.
She said she could speak English,French,Spanish,and a little Mandarin.
(Elle parle l'anglais,le français,l'espagnol,et un petit peu le chinois.)
By the way,as we talk about Chinese language,we say "Mandarin",not "Chinese";Bonnie taught me this,too.
Hearing that Bonnie could speaking such many languages,I made up my mind to be excellent like her.
I wanted to learn English and French well;moreover,I would continue to learn Japanese in school.
Hoping that I could become as good as Bonnie one day(un jour)!

Bonnie,I miss you so much!
Thank you for you teaching;you let me be more interested in English than befote!
Je t'aime beaucoup! >///<


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