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目前分類:Cyril Niccolaï (62)

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Cyril Niccolai - The Story of My Life


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Cyril Niccolai - Who I am

Cyri's own song "Who I am" is really really great!!!

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Cyril Niccolai - Adieu

Adieu is my one of my favorite songs!!!

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Cyril&Erik - Rockin' in the Free World

Cyril and Erik performed Bon Jovi's "Rockin' in the Free World" on Tian An Men Square(天安門廣場) in Beijing,China.

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Daisy | 戴希 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

No Love Around

歌手 Cyril Niccolaï

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Cyril's Limited Single CD for Taiwanese Fans - No Love Around

I just knew a wonderful news from Cyril's TW Fans Club!!

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Before I was crazy for Cyril,I'd never thought that one day I would join in a fans meeting.
This August was my first time to take part in such kind of meeting!
It was really an unfadable memory for all of us,I believed!
Today,I went to a fans meeting at SkyLark with the other Cyrilmaniacs to celebrate his birthday.

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When I first time got my dear Cyril's comment,I felt surprised and ecstatic!
It was really wonderful that he actually replied me!!!
Second time,to tell the truth,I was a little shocked since I'd never thought of this before.
One sweet comment had already made me satisfied,so for the second one,I felt extremely excited!!!

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So incredible!!!
Cyril actually posted a comment for me  today!!

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This is from Cyril's web:
Will this be the cover of Cyril's album?

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I just saw Cyril's films again,rather I've seen them one thousand times!!!>/// When Cyril sang the Chinese classic song "The Moon Represents My Heart"(Please make a guess of its Chinese name by yourself!XD),his shy and a little embarrassing smile was EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE!!!!!
Such kind of smile made him look a little childlike and innocent!
Oh,Cyril,how cute you are!!!
You really treat us Taiwanese fans good!!!

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Cyril Niccolaï--I Don't Wanna Live Forever

This film is from Cyril Niccolaï Taiwan Fan Club:

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Cyril Niccolaï--When I'm with You

A big thank to my sweet Cyril!!!
Thank Cyril's offer!

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This article is about Damien's concert;however,my point is on my dear Cyril,to tell the truth.After all,he's the main reason I join in this concert!
But please don't misunderstand! I'm not say Damien's performance is bad or else;in contrast,his live perfromance is also extremely excellent!
I originally thought his album was so-so,but after the concert,I loved the songs since he really sang well!

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There are so many things about Cyril that worth writing!
First of all,to prepare gifts for Cyril and buy my fist digital camera due to Cyril on August 20th.
Second,to pick Cyril up on August 21st.
Third,to prepare Chinese-translated lyrics for Cyril so I did not sleep over 10 hours on August 22th. It really worths it!

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(→Thank Yoyo and Thera's poster! Happy Birthday,Thera!^__^
And thank Cyril's sweet words!)

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I Don't Wanna Live Forever

歌手 Cyril Niccolaï

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