So incredible!!!
Cyril actually posted a comment for me today!!
I've left comments to him many times,but he never replies me.
That's okay...since I know he's really busy.
As long as he sees my comments,I'm really satisfied!;)
Last night,due to Moby Dick,I searched and found tons of info online and read them.
Though it was at midnight,I was still used to surfing Cyril's space.
I left a comment to him and left some words below one of his new pics.
Perhaps it was because of the comment about the pic,he saw it and then replied me?!
On that comment,I told him that I hoped I could see him soon in Taiwan.
This morning,it was time to attend such a boring course "Translation" - translation itself was not boring,what made me feel bored was the teacher....
Since we went to use the computer classroom,I of course surfed on the Internet,and...
found such a sweet comment!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Cyril is really busy at producing his album and composing some lyrics simultaneously;thus,I appreciate his kindness for such a sweet comment much more!!!!!!
Merci beaucoup,mon Cyril!!!
Je t'aime trop!!!>///
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🔍 痞客邦部落格、YouTube:daisyhayes
- Dec 06 Thu 2007 14:06
The Sweet Comment from My Dear Cyril!>///<