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目前分類:Twilight Saga (69)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Last Thursday,at a bookstore,

I saw Eclipse Chinese version with its cover written with 

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Twilight Quiz - Which Twilight Character Are You?

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  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:拙譯,若不介意再請輸入Edward的姓氏=)
  • 請輸入密碼:
  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:拙譯,若不介意再請輸入Edward的姓氏=)
  • 請輸入密碼:

Growing older,younger,or 17 forever,

which one do you prefer?

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Books about Rober Pattinson&Kristen Stewart

Please take a look at "about leading man/lady".

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Translation is a really hard work,

which must make you doubt if you've got crazy or not.

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New Moon - Extras

You can find out three exreas - 

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Evanescence - Bring Me to Life

Bring Me To Life lyrics

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Spoiler Warning!

I found two of Edward's childish but lovely sides.

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The Fray - How to Save a Life

How To Save A Life lyrics

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Bella's desk

The title's so fun!

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I finish New Moon eventually...........

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Three Days Grace - Never too Late

Never Too Late lyrics

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Twilight Saga Playlists

Twilight Playlist:

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Linkin Park - Papercut

Papercut lyrics

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I was studying Etymology

and memorizing countless words...........

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Evanescence - My Immortal

My Immortal lyrics

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*Spoiler Warning!!


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Twilight - Outtakes (4 articles)


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