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Bastiaan Ragas&Backstreet Boys - Helpless When She Smiles I bought BSB's latest album "Unbreakable,"and there was a song named "Helpless When She Smiles." I just felt this song was beautiful and a little familiar at that time. Oh,I know it now.... The song is Bastiaan's!!! It is also in his album "Outragas". Another song is "You Complete Me,"which I've mentioned on last article. I love all the songs in Bastiaan's "Outragas" album!!! And it seemed that he released his new album last year!!! I'd like to buy it! That is a Dutch album. "Droom maar verder" (You Complete Me Dutch version) is in it! *** 中文summary 之前就買了新好男孩的最新專輯Unbreakable, 那時只覺得Helpless When She Smiles是首很美的歌, 且有點耳熟. 原來... 這是Bastiaan的歌啦! 跟You Complete Me一樣都收錄在他之前的英文專輯Outragas. Outragas裡面的歌都很好聽喔! Bastiaan去年好像發行新專輯了, 是荷文專輯. 很想買!!! Droom maar verder(You Complete Me荷文版)也收錄在最新專輯裡呢!!
Daisy's Musical World
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