紐約時報(The New York Times)於06/07刊登一篇《飢餓遊戲》粉絲的創作詩。
這是該報舉辦第二屆「Found Poem Student Challenge」比賽的作品,而該作品是由超過650篇作品中所選出。
Imogen的作品是基於時代雜誌(The Times Magazine)的兩篇報導,一篇是關於Suzanne Collins’s War Stories for Kids,另一篇則是關於Value Places(為連鎖長住型汽車旅館名,提供給在艱困時期淪落的人們)。
(附註1:原文表示Imogen是用時代雜誌(The Times Magazine)的兩篇報導,但原文的連結卻都是紐約時報(The New York Times)的文章,故可能是記者誤植,或是時代雜誌與紐約時報皆有此兩篇報導,只是紐約時報連結自己的報導。
附註2:第一篇報導Suzanne Collins’s War Stories for Kids的中文內容概要詳見: 紐約時報:蘇珊‧柯林斯給孩子們的戰爭故事)
Heartbreakingly innocent,
beloved ones drowning in their dishwater-brown world.
Oppressed children, a tortured crew,
sweat and sacrifice.
Mesmerizing dreams, glitzy, gleaming;
Free them from the tragic brutality,
memories like nightmares.
Dark patch behind the 7-Eleven becomes a makeshift haven,
cigarette butts alongside lime rinds sucked dry,
fifty-eight cent doughnuts.
Desensitized voyeurs, youthful monsters exploring violence;
like Theseus in his maze, they battle cliques and crushes.
Fantasy pitted against the realities of loss, survival, sacrifice.
Echoes of suffering, that half-human monster in the night.
※來源(Source):The New York Times via The Hob
這是該報舉辦第二屆「Found Poem Student Challenge」比賽的作品,而該作品是由超過650篇作品中所選出。
Imogen的作品是基於時代雜誌(The Times Magazine)的兩篇報導,一篇是關於Suzanne Collins’s War Stories for Kids,另一篇則是關於Value Places(為連鎖長住型汽車旅館名,提供給在艱困時期淪落的人們)。
(附註1:原文表示Imogen是用時代雜誌(The Times Magazine)的兩篇報導,但原文的連結卻都是紐約時報(The New York Times)的文章,故可能是記者誤植,或是時代雜誌與紐約時報皆有此兩篇報導,只是紐約時報連結自己的報導。
附註2:第一篇報導Suzanne Collins’s War Stories for Kids的中文內容概要詳見: 紐約時報:蘇珊‧柯林斯給孩子們的戰爭故事)
Heartbreakingly innocent,
beloved ones drowning in their dishwater-brown world.
Oppressed children, a tortured crew,
sweat and sacrifice.
Mesmerizing dreams, glitzy, gleaming;
Free them from the tragic brutality,
memories like nightmares.
Dark patch behind the 7-Eleven becomes a makeshift haven,
cigarette butts alongside lime rinds sucked dry,
fifty-eight cent doughnuts.
Desensitized voyeurs, youthful monsters exploring violence;
like Theseus in his maze, they battle cliques and crushes.
Fantasy pitted against the realities of loss, survival, sacrifice.
Echoes of suffering, that half-human monster in the night.
※來源(Source):The New York Times via The Hob