(→Enduring love.)
"The Notebook" is really wonderful!!!
It is adapted by a namesake novel.
When it was advertised,I truely had no interest in it.
The first time I noticed it was when I surfed a online bookstore "books".
I thought it might be a good sotry.
Now,I had free time and I felt like to learning English,so I rented this film.
When I saw the male leading role,I really really liked him!:)

(→Ryan Gosling roles as Noah!How charming he is! >///<)
He was the style I liked.(shy...>///<)
Oh,wait,let me introduce the main characters first,anyway!

Ryan Gosling--roles as young Noah
Rachel McAdams--roles as young Allie
James Garner--roles as old Noah
--roles as old Allie

I've to say,I really like Ryan.
The first I saw him,I thought of Henry in Spiderman III.
I see,finally,I like that kind of smile!

Okey,let's come back to the story.
Allie lived in a upper-class family,but Noah did not.
Once,due to a summer vacation.
Allie and her family came to a country and she met Noah there.
Rather,Noah stroke up a conversation with her.
"Will you dance with me?"said Noah.
(Who will dance with a man who meets first?Huh?)
"Why not?"
"No because I don't want."
Mmmm...Noah,you were being rejected!
Poor you!
However,let's see how brave Noah was!
While Allie sat 摩天輪 with her friend,Noah actually jumped up and sat with them!
It was very dangerous to do so!
Whar was worse,they asked Noah not to do so;thus,Noah jumped at the bar and hung against it,saying,"Do you go out with me?"
It was a "threat".
(How silly you are,Noah.)
But...you was be rejected again....
Okey,but he let go of one hand,gripped only the other against the bar and said,"Do you go out with me?"
(Allie,it's obvious a threat.)
Allie was nervous and panic.
"Hurry!I almost can't hold it!"
(A threat again.)
"Okey!I go out with you!"Allie cried out.
"Huh?Loud!"This proved what the saying went,"Give him an inch and he'll take an ell."
"I-go -out-with-you!"Allie spoke very loud!
But,if you think Allie would keep her promise,you are wrong!
The next time when Noah met Allie,Allie denied promising him.
Noah knew his friend Fin would go to see a movie with his girlfriend and Allie,so he went too.
Because of the movie,they got familiar and went home by feet together.
Allie was taught to be decent,so she dared not to chased what she wanted.
She too cared about what others thought.
By comparison,Noah could do himself.
He loved Allie at the first sight,so he chased his love.
They really fell in love with each other.
Noah asked her to lie on the road,but she dared not to.
Noah just tried first to her.
Later,he aked Allie again.
Allie did so,lying down.
But she worried what if a car drove to.
Noah said,"Then we die."
Hey,everybody,please do not learn what Noah did.It's extremely dangerous!Really!
Though you might think it's romantic,but once you had a car accident,you won't think so!
A car really drove to them,but,fortunately,they jumped up and left fast.

(→Noah and Allie fall in love with each other.)

Though they loved each other,Allie's parents,especially her mother,thought they were unsuitable.
When summer ended,Allie had to leave.
She couldn't find Noah,so she asked Fin to tell Noah that she love him.
Noah wrote letters to Allie,one day for one letter.
But Allie did not even reply one letter.
Noah wrote totally 365 letters.
These letters were all hid by Allie's mother;she did not want them to have connection anymore.
Noah sent his farewell letter and moved to another place.
Later,because of WWII,Noah joined in the war with Fin.
Fin was unfortunately dead in the battle.
Noah came back to his hometown.
His father sold his own house and bought the house Noah desired.
The house was full of the memories between Noah and Allie.
It was really meaningful to Noah.

How about Allie?
Allie went to a hospital to help soldiers.
It was very funny that a terribly wounded soldier asked if she could have a date with him.
It must made her think of Noah,I tought.
She fell in love with the soldier later,and her parents agreed to this.

Noah desired to see Allie.
One day,he saw Allie's figure when he was in bus.
He jumped out of it to chase her.
But...her found there was another man beside Allie,touched Allie,and kissed Allie....
He knew she was not his anymore....
Therefore,I thought he got a little,rather very angry and self-abandoned.
He still kept his promise to Allie--rebulding the house.
He had the house really beautiful!
Nevertheless,whoever wanted to buy it,he refused.
Maybe he was just waiting for his love.

(→This house is sooooooo beautiful,isn't it?)

But...there was one point that I could not agree....
He made love with a widow though he did not love her.
Why could a man make love with a woman who he does not love?
I CAN'T understand!
No,I don't want to understand....
That's all!
If it has no this plot,it's a perfect story!

Allie was going to merry the soldier,but she saw Noah's news on newspaper.
She went to see him.
One rainy day,she finally asked him why he did not write her.
He said he wrote her 365 letters but in vain....
They relaized they still loved each other and they made love finally.

The next day,Allie's mother came and told her that her fiance was on the way to here.
She had to make a choice.
The soldier was so poor.
Not only because I did not remember his name,but because he was innocent.
If there was no Noah in this story,it would be a beautiful sotry between Allie and he.
I couldn't agree Allie's thought.
She said she love her finace but she loved Noah at the same time.
Gosh!It was really complicated!
Since love was so complicated,I did not want to try it,to tell the truth.
Allie chose Noah in the end.

(→The old Noah read the notebook to Allie.)
But when they got older,Allie was sick and she could not remember anything,including Noah,her dearest lover.
Noah read the notebook for her every day.
She finally thought of everything and knew the man who read for her was Noah,her husband.
Nevertheless,the very next moment,she forgot everything again.
Noah was very sad and disappointed,maybe a little desperate,he was ill.
Allie might remember Noah again and she was anxious about him.
What if he could not come back?
Noah came back and said he would read the notebook for her forever.
The notebook was written by Allie.
She hoped Noah read it to her again and again so that she won't forget him.
Thus,Noah kept his promise and read to her,again and again.

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