
My dear Cyril's birthday!

Before February,2nd,2008,

Cyril has already got the birthday gift I sent.

(Thank Yoyo's big help!)

In February 2nd,2008,

I still sent Cyril an extra small gift,

The Chinese translation lyrics "No Love Around."

In the same day,

I got Cyril's big big gift to me!!

The single CD "No Love Around!!"

The most wonderful surprise sent by airmail from Korea!

For the day February,,2nd,2008,

We Taiwanese fans had a fan meeting to celebrate Cyril's birthday

on December 29th,2007;

For the day February 2nd,2008,

I met some good friends!!

Thank Cyril's so much!!!

Because of you,

My life becomes more and more colorful!!

Because of you,

I desire to make myself better and better!!

Especially English ability!Hahah!

Sincerely wish Cyril,

From the day February 2nd,2008 until the far far future,

Your career is more and more successful!!

You can stay healthy and happy forever!!

The best wishes for you!!

My dearest Cyril!

Thank you so much for such an amzaing gift!!

Cyril,merci beaucoup!!


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