Tanz der Vampire 10 Jahre--Totale Finsternis

Thank zeiges' offer!
The film is from

Graf von Krolock--Uwe Kröger
Sarah--Marjan Shaki

Basically,it is a concert named "Best of Musical" holding in Wien in 2007.
Uwe Kröger is really an excellent musical actor!!
He has played Elisabeth,De Drei Musketiere German Cast&De Drei Musketiers Dutch Cast,etc.
Besides this,he also tried to role as Graf von Krolock this time!
He's really wonderful!:))))

When it comes to Marjan,I really love her performance!
Though I just know that she roles as Julia and Sarah,she truly performed well!
Her voice is beautiful!!!


    Daisy | 戴希 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()